Daisypath Friendship tickers

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Our lil precious ~ Ivan

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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Girls' Night Out ~ Men in Tutus

One morning as I was driving to work, I usually tuned in to my favourite station i.e Mix FM and guess what I heard, the Breakfast Show’s DJ, The Rod and Sarimah were interviewing Victor Trevino, the founder of  Les Ballet Eloelle. His team will be performing Men in Tutus in Malaysia (KL and Penang) from 4th June – 23rd June 2013. The interesting part of this is men dancing ballet !!

Well, as I love seeing ballet performance since young, I was so tempted to watch this performance. It is all about men putting on their fluffy white tutus and performed in both classical and contemporary ballet, and of course, it is a comedy ballet !!

So, once I reached office, immediately I shared this with colleagues aka my girlfriends about this stage show and once confirmation made, we bought the ticket online.

The day has come on 7th June, we rushed over to PJ Live Art at Section 17 right after work for the show. And, yes, we all enjoyed ourselves so much that we laughed non stop during the entire show. It was really worth our money and I think if they are coming again to Malaysia, I will definitely going for it again J

And, not forgetting that we had a great opportunity to take pictures with this amazing men ....


  1. Great to hear that. Jen, how much was the ticket then?

  2. We bought the regular tix .. it was at RM 100 .. :)
