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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Butternut Squash Puree for Lil Ivan ....

I have been working very hard in goggling for types of baby puree that I can prepare for lil Ivan. The reason I am doing this is I would like to train him not to be a picky eater as he grows. That's why instead of following the traditional way where baby's first food would be porridge, I introduced fruits / vegetables as his first food.

Lil Ivan loves Butternut squash, or it is also known as butternut pumpkin in Australia and New Zealand. Butternut squash is a type of winter squash. How does it tastes ? Well, pretty similar to pumpkin, but it has a sweeter, nutty and creamier taste. Butternut squash has yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp.

What about the health benefits of Butternut squash ? Hmm I read from an online article that it contains many vital anti-oxidants and also vitamins. It has rich source of dietary fiber. So, for adults, it is also recommended for cholesterol controls and weight reduction. And, the interesting fact is, it has more Vitamin A as compared to pumpkin. Vitamin A is a good natural anti-oxidant and also an essential vitamin for good eye-sight. Besides that, it is also rich in B-complex and basically it has pretty similar mineral as pumpkin. By the way, I also noticed that it can helps in overcome constipation. My lil Ivan poop extra more after consuming this :)

One thing I found that it is not easy to find Butternut squash, but I managed to get it in Cold Storage. Besides that, I also noticed that it can be easily get from places such as Mercato, Isetan, Jaya Grocers etc (basically slightly higher end supermarkets) :p

It is pretty simple to make this puree :-
  • Peel the Butternut squash, remove the seeds and chop into cubes.
  • Steam for about 15 minutes or till it is tender.
  • Transfer to the blender and blend to a suitable consistency for your baby

Note : You may reserve some water from the steaming for thinning purposes.

Also, one reminder, I would suggest to buy the Butternut squash which has been cut into half. This is because it is quite hard for us to slice into half back at home, unless you have a strong man to help you with it. 

Some interesting combo that I have mixed it for my lil Ivan :-

1) Butternut squash puree + Oat

2) Butternut squash + Apple with Brown rice 

Some other recommended combo will be with peaches, pears, carrots, parsnip, lentils, chicken, beef and pork :)

Happy trying out mommies :)

1 comment:

  1. Yep, butternut squash is so yummy on its own, my boy loves it too!
