Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Love of our life

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Our lil precious ~ Ivan

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, 6 August 2012

My birthday weekend at the historical town

Yeah .. August is a month of celebration for me .. :p ... well, usually I will take a day off on my birthday day if it happens to be a working day, but this year, it falls on a Sunday. And, since I am preggy now and hb doesn't allow me to travel on air and what not, overseas .. hence, we decided to go for a food hunt trip in Melaka.

We woke up at about 8 plus morning on the Saturday, went to mamak for our quick breakfast and there we go, Melaka, here are we ... Traffic was pretty smooth, although there were quite alot of cars on the highway, and we reached the Ayer Keroh toll almost close to 12 noon. Upon that, it rained pretty heavily for awhile as we were on our way to the town ... where we gonna start on our 1st food hunt.

Lucky us was that upon reaching the town, where the Red Houses are, the rain became smaller and we could just parked our car nearby, and walked to the Jonker Street, where our 1st food hunt will be the Nasi Ayam Hoe Kee. We were lucky as we were there not too late, hence the queue was acceptable.

After fulfilling our tummy with the yummy chicken rice, we walked along the Jonker Street, hb loves checking out those antique shops and of course, old watches .... :) .. Along the way, I grabbed some pineapple rolls for munching, and then we dropped by San Shu Gong for dessert and to shop for some local delicacies.
We ordered 1 bowl of Gula Melaka cendol and 1 bowl of Durian cendol :)

It is almost 3pm, and we decided to take a break, hence, we went to check-in to the hotel which I have booked for a night. We didn't stay along those boutique hotels around Jonker Street, to avoid noises and traffic, therefore, we stayed in Holiday Inn Melaka, which is nearer to the shopping complex such as Mahkota Parade and Dataran Pahlawan. The service was great, check-in process was fast and the room and toilet is clean. In conclusion, we are happy with the hotel. Just that, too bad was the hotel was fully booked and we were not able to get 1 king size bed, therefore, we bear with 2 super single bed.

After taking a short break, and we started our food hunt again, the Pork Satay. We went to one of the nearby stall i.e Ming Hut Satay. As we intended these will just be our 'starter' before the next food hunt, therefore, hb only ordered the minimum stick i.e 10 sticks of pork satay. Each stick costs RM 0.70.

According to my planned food 'itinerary', the next food hunt will be satay celup. And, the shortlisted shop is the Capitol Satay Celup located at Lorong Bukit Cina (GPS point : N2 11.685 E10 215.126). The shop opens at 5pm, and we were there at 5.30pm. Guess what ?!? ... The queue is as long as 4 shops away. I knew that hb will not have such patience to wait for that queue, therefore, I suggested that we tried another shop which is just few shops away from this famous Capitol Satay Celup. Hence, we tried out this A Famosa Satay Celup instead. The service was ok but in term of taste, I still think that Capitol tastes better :)

We went for a short walk at Jonker Street after the satay celup session, as on every weekend, Fri, Sat & Sun, there will be a night market along this street. There are numerous types of stalls that you can see from food, to antiques, to phone casing, to t-shirts, to local delicacies .. and etc.

As we were walking back to our parking after the short walk, hb would like to check out the river side and there we go :)

We called it a day and went back to the hotel for rest :)

The next morning, I told hb that I would like to buy back some crepes from the Nadeje Patisserie and based on their card, it did mentioned that they do have an outlet in Dataran Pahlawan. So, I suggested to hb that we shall drop by Dataran Pahlawan for window shopping, and packed the crepes back before leaving Melaka. Guess what, we checked on the floor directories and I couldn't find this outlet, therefore, hb checked with the lady at the Information Counter and to realise that the outlet has relocated to Mahkota Parade instead .. gosh ! However, luckily that the main branch is just near by i.e same row with the Ming Hut Satay stall, so we dropped by there and I packed a few slices of the crepes home :) .. Some of the flavours that I bought :)

Double chocolate

Dark mocha

Berry berry

Before we bid farewell to Melaka, hb wanted to bring me to this famous shop, Hing Loong Taiwanese Noodles. We googled and we found that they do have 2 shops in Melaka, i.e one in Jalan Bachang and another one in Melaka Raya. However, hb wanted to bring me to the original shop, which is at Jalan Bachang. They are famous for Porkchop noodles and Beef noodles. So, hb ordered both so that we could taste both :) It is indeed yummy and worth trying :)

Porkchop noodles

Beef noodles

And, both of us enjoyed ourselves with the food hunting and of cos, I had a great birthday day celebrated with my dearest hb and of cos, our little miracle inside my tummy ... xoxo ... :)


  1. No worries about the kilos....just have fun and this is the time you have an unlimited eatery license....hehehe... Happy birthday again.

  2. I want those crepes!! Yumz~

    Happy belated birthday ya by the way!

  3. Hahaha.. ya ya, thanks Angeline and Hayley ...

    Hayley, yes, the crepes are yummy .. make a trip there .. lol :)
