Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Love of our life

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Our lil precious ~ Ivan

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Grandma's 88th Birthday ...

Last weekend was Grandma’s 88th birthday. Hence, the whole Chan family gathered back in Taiping to celebrate her birthday. It was also lil Ivan first time celebrating his ah Tai’s birthday J

Well, of course the old lady was so happy seeing all her kids, grandchildren and her only great-grandchild back at home. We had our dinner in Loong Foong Restaurant.

Mom ordered a birthday set dinner which comes with ‘birthday pau’ and also longevity noodles.
We have also bought a cake for this celebration. Everyone sang her birthday song.

Everyone had a great night and oh well, lil Ivan was very excited back in Taiping as there were so  many people surrounding him and playing with him …

And, take note at the photo below, lil Ivan was very into ah Tai’s hair .. hahahaah

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Best ever department teambuilding ... :)

Every year, HR has allocated some budget for employees’ welfare. And, this includes department teambuilding. Usually, my department teambuilding will be held in some sort of resort with classroom ‘training’ and some outdoor activities.

However, we have something different this year !! All of us actually felt that this is the best ever teambuilding we ever had J No hotel’s food, no air-conditioner classroom .. and it was 100% outdoor.

Yes, for this year round, we had our teambuilding in FRIM, Kepong (Forest Research Institute Malaysia).  There are various attractions here such as silicified wood, the giant bamboo and the key attraction is the Canopy Walk.

Ok, some brief description of what had happened on the specific day i.e 13th June 2013. We all gathered in our office’s lobby at 8am, and got into the bus. Reached FRIM at about 8.40am and we had our breakfast i.e Nasi Lemak there.

By about 9.30am, we were all gathered and received some briefings from the instructor on what we were going to do. In total, there were 3 different trails that we had to go through. Of course, the first trail i.e Keruing trail, is the easiest to go. This trail started from the giant bamboo and the whole journey takes us about an hour. By the end of this trail, we were served tea break, ie some donuts and nyonya kuih  to let us recharged our energy before moving to the next trail.

The next trail was slightly tougher but it was getting more interesting and you really got to enjoy the beauty of nature. I simply love the wonder of nature .. the lovely crown . Besides concentrating on the trail, we were actually divided into groups where we required to work out some answers for the questions, pretty similar to like treasure hunt.

The final trail, which is the toughest, i.e the trail that will bring us all the way to the Canopy Walk :) The whole journey took about  1hr 30 mins. A great satisfaction achieved when we finally reached the peak of it.

Oh, it was not the end yet. After hiking up, in order to get down to the foot of the hill, we needed to face the challenges of getting down hill too. Well, getting down was even more exciting than hiking up. We needed to walk through narrow path, walked on the stones etc. But, I would say all these barriers that we needed to get through, really helped in strengthen the relationship of every one of us as we needed to help each other.

Lunch was served once we reached the foot of hill. And, we continued to have some other activities after lunch. All ended by 5pm and no doubt, we were all tired but we did enjoyed ourselves on that day :)

We graduated !!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Girls' Night Out ~ Men in Tutus

One morning as I was driving to work, I usually tuned in to my favourite station i.e Mix FM and guess what I heard, the Breakfast Show’s DJ, The Rod and Sarimah were interviewing Victor Trevino, the founder of  Les Ballet Eloelle. His team will be performing Men in Tutus in Malaysia (KL and Penang) from 4th June – 23rd June 2013. The interesting part of this is men dancing ballet !!

Well, as I love seeing ballet performance since young, I was so tempted to watch this performance. It is all about men putting on their fluffy white tutus and performed in both classical and contemporary ballet, and of course, it is a comedy ballet !!

So, once I reached office, immediately I shared this with colleagues aka my girlfriends about this stage show and once confirmation made, we bought the ticket online.

The day has come on 7th June, we rushed over to PJ Live Art at Section 17 right after work for the show. And, yes, we all enjoyed ourselves so much that we laughed non stop during the entire show. It was really worth our money and I think if they are coming again to Malaysia, I will definitely going for it again J

And, not forgetting that we had a great opportunity to take pictures with this amazing men ....