Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Love of our life

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Our lil precious ~ Ivan

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Happy Birthday to Dad (from us) & Happy Birthday to Grandpa (from lil Ivan)

Hmmm, this is another outdated post. Dad came down from Taiping as there were long weekend on 19 April, due to it was a PH for Perak for the birthday of Sultan Perak. As dad’s birthday falls on early May, hence, we decided to have an early celebration for him during that weekend.

Since on that day, lil Ivan needed to go for his final vaccine at Sunway Medical Centre before the next vaccine at the age of 1, so we decided to have our celebration in Sunway Pyramid. Hubby and I brought our lil Ivan to vaccine, while sis, bro, mom and dad went to the mall for window shopping first.

Once done, we went over to the mall and meet up with them. As it was almost lunch time, we then went to a Vietnamese restaurant there. Bro ordered a birthday cake from RT Pasty for dad. It was also 1st time that lil Ivan will be celebrating Grandpa’s birthday … J .. And, as usual, this lil man was so excited to see the candles lit up, as though it was a celebration for him.

All of us had a great time there …. xoxo


  1. Suk jen, Happy birthday to uncle yeah.

    Uncle is working same factory like me is it?

  2. Ya ya, my dad is working in Silverstone .. been ages loh hahaha.. now he is on contractual basis de .. :)

  3. Now only I realised ler...phai seh!
