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Sunday, 23 September 2012

Our 1st miracle ~ Our precious moments in our final trimester ... xoxo

Time flies and we are now at Week 34 ... another 6 more weeks or even less before the arrival of our little precious. How excited !!

How has our final trimester been going through ? Well, darling and myself went to attend the Pre-Natal class in Sunway Medical Centre. The class held on 3 Saturdays, and we attended the September class. It was a good exposure especially to 1st time parents and it is good that all the daddy-to-be were allowed to join in the class too. Well, at least, they are aware what will be their responsibilities and how can they be our labour coach ... Hehehe ... Yesterday was our last class and yes, we "graduated". In the last class, we were all taught how to take care of new born, and I was so proud that darling did try to get himself hand-on practise in handling little precious .. xoxo.

Look at this proud daddy-to be .... 

As time getting closer, we are going for our bi-weekly check-up and we just got back from our Week 34 check-up. Everything looking good. Little precious's in good position and heartbeat is normal ... :). We managed to get a good 3D/4D scan of little precious's face today and it seems like he is having daddy's nose. Haha .. Big nose huh .... LoL .... Little precious's weight is fine and we are hoping that he will continues growth steadily at this rate, then he shall be an average size baby, which *finger cross* will be easier for labour later.

My pregnancy has been good so far. Thank God for the blessing that I do not have much morning sickness, just slight nausea. Except for now as little precious is growing bigger, I have started to have backache occasionally and the nerve pain can even wake me up in the middle of the night. At times, I can't lie down and sleep, that I have to sit down with good back support and sleep. But, I am telling myself that all this is worth sacrifice when the little precious arrives in good health. 

We are still busy preparing the stuffs for the little precious's arrival. Most of the things are in-placed, but I have yet to wash little precious's clothing yet and friends have been pressuring me to pack ready my hospital bag .... :p .. and, yet, I am still dragging my feet to do that ... Haha ... 

Alright, shall 'pen' off now and continue my weekend job in housekeeping my house :)


  1. It's a baby boy, right?
    Hang in there! I am sure your precious will be here soon to see you and his daddy =)

  2. Yes Hayley, is a baby boy :) .. and thanks for the support!! :)

  3. So excited for u and max!!!!!

  4. What a class you both enjoyed there. Good to hear that. At least your darling is willing to learn and help out to take care of your baby boy...

  5. Haha, we are excited for his arrival too, Kristie dear .. :)

    And, yes, Angeline, have to make him to help out .. is his son also ma ... LoL

  6. As a first timer parents its always good to attend a class. That way you know what to do if the baby comes.
