Our precious is 5 months old !! Time flies ya .. :)
I still remember when I was still in my confinement month, where I was pretty stressed up as being a new mother, I really have no idea how to handle him. From feeding to bathing to changing of diaper and even putting him to bed, it was all done by my mom and hubby. My mom kept telling me, “you need to rest!”. So, my job for the entire month was just to pump milk, eat, sleep and the cycle starts all over again.
However, once we reached fullmoon, I immediately trained myself to be hand-on in handling our lil Ivan. And, I improved as day passes.
2 months passed, and I went back to work on 26th December 2012, while my mom took care of lil Ivan at home. I remembered that I was so reluctant to leave home that morning and automatically, I tears as I said good-bye to him… Thinking back, I can’t believe that I am so emotional. LoL ….
And, day by day passes, our lil Ivan continues to grow and he is such a talkative boy. Every evening, when I am back home after work, I will spend some time talking and sing to him and I am so glad that he will give me positive responses and shows me his excitement, till hubby started to be jealous. He claims that lil Ivan loves mommy more than daddy .. hahaha.
At around 3rd month, lil Ivan said his first word i.e ‘ang ku’ while we were changing his diaper. Both of us, hubby and myself were so excited and he repeated it for a few times … haha .. Can’t imagine when he starts calling us, mommy and daddy, guess we will be so overjoyed J
Anyhow, he is still not able to turn over by himself yet even at 4th month. But, if we help him, then he will be able to turn over and push up his own head for some tummy time. No hurries for that as I believe every baby has their own development milestones. So, darling Ivan, take your time and enjoy your unforgettable growing moment.
Pix of lil Ivan from 1mth - 4mth old |
We just took him for his 2nd doses of Rotavirus + Pneumococcal jab. According to his paed, his weight and height is above average … *phew* at least it is balance and is not fat fat, short short … hahaha